YouTube Promotions
For those looking to increase their views and subscribers, I do a 2 week test of the YouTube Promotions feature to see if you really can pay-to-play your way into the YouTube platform. However, what I learn is quite shocking and you may want to think twice. Be sure to watch til the end to see why!
How to Start a YouTube Channel
There are a few critical steps that need to be taken to start a YouTube Channel. Some of them can make or break your success. I’ll walk you through some of the mistakes that I made when starting my YouTube channel so you don’t accidentally make the same ones. And, BONUS, you will save a TON of money…
Be a Creator, Not a Consumer.
I had heard this quote a few times in my life, and it never resonated with me for some reason. However, on some random day I really started to think about it and realized that I had been depriving myself of something, and that something is CREATIVITY. Change your mindset: Be a Creator, Not a Consumer.
Whether you’re new to the working world, or been doing the 9-5 grind for years. At some point you’ve probably felt it. Burnout. It can be extremely debilitating and prevent you from doing your job well, or even at all. In this video explore why burnout happens, and what the antidote is. HINT: You can overcome it!